Located in: Shoshone, Idaho I Call Amy at: (208) 308-5627 I Email us at: amy@talentedk9dogtraining@gmail.com
Talented K9 Dog Training
The Training That Just Feels Right
Group Classes
::General Information::
Our Puppy Fundamental and Life Skills classes are on going! You can join at any time and attend which ever classes you want. Each class will build on different skills and each student will work at the level their dog or puppy is at.
If you're joining our classes for the first time, you will be required to attend an Orientation Class (with out dogs) and our Life Skills Intro class (with dogs) if you're joining those. These classes are a great time to ask your questions!
When you register for one of the classes below, we'll contact you to get you scheduled for an Orientation Class. From there you'll be able to join your first Puppy Fundamentals class or get scheduled for your Life Skills Intro class. After you've completed your Life Skills Intro class, you'll be able to join any Life Skills classes you want to attend!
Our Life Skills Intro classes will set you up for the most success with your dog when attending group classes.
You are also more than welcome to attend with out your dog since you will still learn so much at these classes and be able to practice at home or just prepare for a new dog you're getting ready to bring home! This works great for those dogs that just aren't ready for a group environment, especially if you're doing 1-2-1 lessons on the side.
If you have a nervous, reactive, or aggressive dog, we recommend starting with our 1-2-1 lessons first or attending class with out your dog until you both feel ready.
Orientation classes are Free!
Life Skill Intro Classes follow the pricing found below
Puppy Fundamental and Life Skills classes you can pay for the ones you attend at the time or buy a block of classes for a discounted price.
Non-Members: $32.00 per class or $135.00 for a block of 5 classes (attend any 5 classes) and save $25.00.
Talented K9 Club Members: $25.00 per class or $100.00 for a block of 5 classes (attend any 5 classes) and save $25.00 getting your 5th class free!
Please fill out the form on the Contact page and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Classes usually last about an hour.
::Puppy Fundamental Classes::
::General Information::
Our Puppy Fundamental classes all focus on skills your puppy needs to grow into a well behaved dog around the house, on walks, and out and about. When you register for class we'll send you a link to our puppy vault which will cover; house training, chewing, barking, biting and so much more!
Each class is different and will be working on things such as;
Socialization Skills
Calmness in the house
Being quiet
How to settle
Preventing Separation Anxiety
Manners around food
Gaining their focus
Growing their toy and play drive
Building value in staying close for on and off leash success
Getting your puppy to choose you over the environment or other distractions
Teaching your puppy how to listen even when exciting things are happening
How to make great decisions with out you having to micro manage them
And many more!
::Life Skills Classes::
::General Information::
Our Life Skills classes all focus on skills your older puppy or adult dog need to be a well behaved dog around the house, on walks, and out and about. This class goes way beyond the normal, sit, down, and stay where we'll dive into the things that truly matter for you and your dog to live a happy and successful life together.
Each class is different and will be working on things such as;
Getting your dog's brain in the moment and with you
Walking on a loose leash
Coming to you when called
Growing value in staying close
Growing calmness in the house
How you can lower your dog's excitement levels
Teaching your dog to manage their own excitement levels
Self Control
Manners around food
Teaching them how to disengage from distractions easier so they can choose you instead.
Getting your dog to think and listen when exciting things are happening
Teaching your dog how to settle
Helping them cope with situations easier
Helping your dog learn that they don't have to bark at everything
Preventing Separation Anxiety or helping solve it if it's already begun
How to greet people with out jumping on them
Teaching your dog how to think and make good decisions with out you having to do it all for them
And so many more!